Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Relieve Abdominal Bloating and Gas

How to Relieve Abdominal Bloating and Gas with Home Remedies

It's uncomfortable and it can be embarrassing. It may happen after you eat gas-forming foods, many of which are high in fiber, or you might experience bloating and gassiness (flatulence) after drinking carbonated sodas or during stressful periods when you're more likely to swallow excess air. If the discomfort becomes painful, or if it happens frequently, see your doctor to rule out an underlying disorder. If you experience occasional mild gassiness, some home remedies may offer relief.

Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need

  • Papaya
  • Baking soda
  • Fennel seeds
  • Caraway seeds
  • Chamomile
    • 1
      Chew every mouthful of food thoroughly before swallowing and take your time. Eating quickly increases the risk of swallowing air, which can lead to bloating and gas. In addition, toss away the straw, and drink from the glass to minimize the amount of air you swallow.
    • 2
      Reduce your dairy intake. If you're lactose intolerant, consuming milk, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products can result in bloating, gas and diarrhea. If dairy is the culprit, talk to your doctor about taking a calcium supplement.
    • 3
      Ease intestinal gas by eating papaya with your meal. This sweet fruit not only tastes good, it contains enzymes that assist in food digestion. Alternatively, papaya enzyme tablets are available over-the-counter from your local pharmacy.
    • 4
      Dissolve 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water and drink to relieve gas pains. Baking soda neutralizes stomach acids and promotes belching. Do not use this home remedy, however, if you are on a low-sodium diet, and do not use baking soda more than once or twice a week without talking to your doctor.
    • 5
      Breathe deeply and slowly. During times of stress or anxiety, you're more likely to swallow excess air. When you're nervous, make a conscious effort to take 10 or more slow, deep breaths. Not only will deep breathing reduce accidental air swallowing, it may help you relax.
    • 6
      Seek relief with common herbs. The "PDR for Herbal Medicines" recommends fennel seeds, caraway seeds and chamomile as potentially helpful for easing abdominal bloating and gas. Add the seeds to salad dressings and soups and make an herbal tea from the seeds and from chamomile.
    • 7
      Reduce the serving size of gas-forming foods. Broccoli, cabbage, beans and whole fiber products, such as bran cereal, may produce gas. Fiber is an essential part of eating healthy however, so don't cut it out of your diet. Eat small portions of fiber throughout the day, rather than a large serving at any one meal. Other potential gas-forming foods include onions, asparagus, corn, pears, apples and Brussels sprouts.

Tips & Warnings

  • Smoking may also contribute to swallowing air and intestinal gas.
  • Dentures that do not fit well may increase the risk of swallowing excess air when eating.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to weight watch

Weight Watchers is renowned as being one of the most successful methods in place to help you lose weight. It is used worldwide but is most popular in the United Kington and the United States. It is based on counting the calories you eat and matching them with exercise to burn them off. There is no secret method and no empty promises. You control what you eat in a points system and you work hard burning off the calories, again in a points system. Weight Watchers measures exercise in terms of intensity levels, i.e. by measuring heart rate and oxygen consumption. The program give you different scenarios and activities to do each day which equal "exercise points" which you can do in conjunction with measuring your "eating points."



Things You'll Need

  • Sports shoes/Trainers
    • 1
      Dance. Join a dance class locally or go out on a night out with friends and dance without consuming any alcohol. Weight Watchers recommend just 20 minutes of high intensity dancing or 40 minutes of moderate intensity dancing. Try ballroom, salsa or line dancing for this amount of time and you will gain the recommended "4 activity points" that Weight Watchers suggest you earn every day.
    • 2
      Swim or attend an aqua fit class. These are available at most local gyms or leisure centers. If you cannot swim, try jogging in the shallow end of the pool for around 20 minutes. This will earn you "4 activity points" also.
    • 3
      Dig in the garden. Replacing and changing flowers and bushes in your garden for around an hour can also raise your heart rate to what Weight Watchers class as an "intense" level. This again will earn you "4 activity points."
    • 4
      Clean your house. Weight Watchers suggest that by cleaning your house for an hour, i.e. doing laundry, sweeping and washing floors, you can earn a further "4 activity points."
    • 5
      Do not limit yourself to doing one of these exercises per day. You can do as many as possible and earn yourself extra calories and point in terms of food or consuming alcohol.

Tips & Warnings

  • Please seek medical advice before starting a program like Weight Watchers. It might not be suitable for you.